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I Have An Idea

Period Pain Management: a three pronged approach
enstruation is an inflammatory process; it involves prostaglandins; and engages one of the strongest muscles in the body.

Unlock Your Athletic Potential with Menstrual Cycle Training
Pre menopausal women; trans men; and non binary people with a uterus, have our own seasons of cycling oestrogen and progesterone. We...

Pain in the membrane. Pain in the brain. Oestrogen’s role in headaches.
This A.I generated image conjures the sense of pressure that I feel when in the throws of a migraine. It misses the black spiders...

Exercise for Ages 40 and Beyond: Training Advice from Stacy Sims’ Book: ‘Next Level.’
Guidance on strength training and exercise in perimenopause and menopause

Listen to Your Body, Work With Your Cycle and Improve Your Fitness.
gotta get a bit fit got myself a fitbit first I felt a dipstick but now I don’t so much proved to be a big hit I’m virtually olympic...

Want Pain Free Periods? How Nutrition Can Help
Sitting in the boardroom The I'm-so-bored room Listening to the suits Talk about their world They can make straight lines Out of almost...

The Problem With Sucking in Your Stomach: A Quick Lecture to my Daughter
When Miss Anna tells you to suck in your stomach what she sees is a curved lower back and a tummy poking forward. If our torsos were...

Because We’re not Seahorses: Some Daily Exercises to Make Pregnancy a Little Easier.
The male seahorse is equipped with a pouch on the ventral, or front-facing, side of the tail. When mating, the female seahorse deposits...

The Benefits of Movement and Guidelines for Exercise While Growing Another Human
Metaphors I'm a riddle in nine syllables, An elephant, a ponderous house, A melon strolling on two tendrils. O red fruit, ivory, fine...

The Busy Woman’s Osteoporosis Work Out
My step mother is BUSY. When she’s not jet setting about the place organising conferences or academics or teaching she’s at home tending...
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