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I Have An Idea

Resolutions are easy when you choose things that matter
I’ve always been told that goals need to be S.M.A.R.T - if you don’t remember this acronym it doesn’t matter, because life has enough...

Three Life Lessons From the Forest or Why The Hidden Life of Trees is a Great Christmas Gift
Acacia Avenue was now a green wreck, the ivy had wound through the cracks like tickling fingers. The towering trees had almost blocked...

Extending Time's Sponsorship: Is There a Secret to Living a Long Life?
When Time Withdraws His Sponsorship Time, is a limiting, inhibitive, sponsor man of greed, hunger, one-eyed telescope and key-hole...

Urinalysis: What Peeing on a Stick Can Tell you About Your Body’s Level of Hydration and Wellness.
The Other Day I Peed on a Stick The other day I peed on a stick and when I peed on the stick I knew my blood was like poison, but without...

Personal Volcanoes
Silver Lining by Carol Ann Duffy Five miles up, the hush and shoosh of ash, yet the sky is as clean as a wiped slate- I could write my...

Become the Storm
Control I Your heart and the weather have this in common. They are both difficult to predict, and cannot be controlled by anyone. So when...
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