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I Have An Idea

Pain coaching: my manifesto
In 2016 I wrote a Manifesto for my micro business Circus Bodies. Now that I’ve retrained and rebranded, my core principles have shifted a...

10 Daily Movements
If you would like a good top-to-toe 10 minute exercise routine - try this one

Turn Up the Heat on Your Warm Up to Avoid Injury
Aerial training as a hobby is hard. Not only does it hurt, it requires a whole lot of strength and flexibility that the average person...

Good Health is More than Moving and Eating Well: Conducting a Health MOT
A marriage You are holding up a ceiling with both arms. It is very heavy, but you must hold it up, or else it will fall down on you. Your...

Health Isn’t Just Exercising and Eating Well.
This is a picture of me and my buddy Mia. Our weekly Heath walk protects our health. We get to chat, we’re moving, and we are surrounded...

Weight Training For Your Brain: Meditation Tips for the Disinclined
We know that meditation is good for us. A quick internet search of “scientific study benefits of meditation” yields 13,000,000 hits. But...

A Walking Holiday with Kids: A Chance to Try Some Emotional Ecology
We know that health is an holistic concept. We know that we need to be mentally and spiritually and physically well to be properly well....

Dear Mothers, Remember to Care For Yourselves Too.
Motherhood calls to mind the home, and we like to believe that the home is a private place. Perhaps we imagine row upon row of backyards,...

When Something’s Not Right in The Bathroom..
Last week I visited my natural screening clinic to figure out where my energy had gone. Before testing my levels, my clinician and I had...

On Valentine's Day - Love The World as Much as You Love Each Other
Wedding Song Now you are married Try to love the world As much as you love Each other. Greet it as your husband, Wife. Love it with all...
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