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I Have An Idea

Knee Pain Relief: a book, a class and an imagery exercise.
I visualise my knee pain as a sea urchin. It is a spiky living thing that takes me by surprise. The poison from its spines spreads down...

Self Massage for Pain Management: The Affective Touch Hypothesis
Pleasant sensations are thought to share overlapping neural circuitry with pain. The idea is that through distraction with gentle...
Pain Snippets: some very short videos for you to watch
Now that I've finished studying I am slowly easing myself into my new identity as a pain coach. One thing that I am doing every few days...

Imagery Training for Pain Relief
Humans are visual creatures and so it makes sense that some people living with chronic pain experience pain imagery. This is the...

How to Manage Flare Ups
A few months ago I created a beautiful flare up presentation with lots of mid journey (A.I generated) images. The purpose was to help...

Creating a Pain-Flare Plan That Future-You Will Be Grateful For
When chatting to a friend about her experience of living with fibromyalgia she described it as walking around the edges of a dark hole...

Pain in the membrane. Pain in the brain. Oestrogen’s role in headaches.
This A.I generated image conjures the sense of pressure that I feel when in the throws of a migraine. It misses the black spiders...

Can Positive Imagery Training Improve Pain Perception?
These images are from Deborah Padfield’s book Perception of Pain. She collaborated with pain patients to help create visual tools to...

Remedies for Non Specific Low Back Pain - the “common cold for the spine”
Just as we are vulnerable to catching a cold when we are tired, run down or stressed so too are we more likely to experience pain in the sam

The Strain in Pain Lies Mainly in the Brain
Thank you Sean Mackey for the catchy title of this blog. His slides from his lecture on the neuroscience of pain can be found here I will...
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