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I Have An Idea

Writing for Self Care: 10 notes to my body
Skinny bodies are fashionable again. It is time to go deep, to write and reflect on what our bodies CAN DO.

Winter Weight Gain: It Happens for a Reason.
For we all like figgy pudding, We all like figgy pudding, For we all like figgy pudding, So bring it right here. Doesn't this Fortnum...

5 Tips To Help You Accept and Appreciate Your Post Baby Body
Congratulations. You just did an incredible thing. You gave birth to a human. Well done you! Right now you might be a little caught up in...

Accepting Where the Hate is Coming From: One Step on the Body Acceptance Journey
Explore where body hate comes from, get to the source and then let. it. go

Will Being Skinny Make You Happy? Really?
By ignoring the past, we are encouraged to repeat its mistakes. The ‘generation gap’ is an important social tool for any repressive...

The Problem With Sucking in Your Stomach: A Quick Lecture to my Daughter
When Miss Anna tells you to suck in your stomach what she sees is a curved lower back and a tummy poking forward. If our torsos were...

RuPaul: If You Can't Love Yourself How The Hell Are You Going To love Somebody Else?
Drag Race All Stars is over for another season and I am sad. I love Drag Race because it celebrates acceptance and loves all bodies. Men...

Use Your Powers for Good: Thin Privilege and How to Speak Up for EVERY Body
5. WE single out as our special enemies the so-called “reducing” industries. These include diet clubs, reducing salons, fat farms, diet...

Would you Say it to a Friend?
Reframing, responding to and reasoning through, our inner critical voice. If this body wasn't mine If this body wasn’t mine and it...

Life Through my Children’s Eyes?
My children see life in a very simple way. People who enter their spheres of influence have functions, their identity is centred around...
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