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Need A Pain coach?

Hi, I'm Pieta

My journey into the world of pain management began in 2018 when both of my parents had life changing accidents. My Dad was left with post stroke nerve pain and my mother with post surgical pain in her hip and shoulder. 

Nothing is worse than watching the people you love suffer. Despite my background in Pilates and embodied anatomy, I didn’t know how to help. So. I studied. I learned about neurological rehab through ARNI. I became a qualified older adult exercise instructor; and I completed a Masters degree in Pain management through UCL.   

Your nervous system is different

A body in persistent pain has a different nervous system to someone who isn't living with pain. It is as if you are living with an alarm set to sensitive. In our pain management sessions we dial this alarm right down through: 

what people have said


You are an incredibly knowledgable and amazing pain coach. I love that you utilise all available methods of teaching to help me learn and understand exactly what is happening. 


contact me

I believe in a personalised approach to pain management. Whatever you’re dealing with I’m here to help you every step of the way.

pain pro blog

I've been writing a monthly blog since 2016. Take a scroll through some past pieces to see if I've addressed your issue before. if I haven't let me know and I'll get onto it

You might be afraid of the dark.jpg
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